Student Services

The entire process of moving abroad starts with counselling. It plays the most important role in this major life decision of yours because the initial counselling sessions help you decide and learn what all will be needed for the process, where you stand in terms of score, funds, profile and how important your relationship with the counsellor is. You need to be honest and prompt in your communications with the counsellor, so that they can benefit you with their skills and experience. And we provide all these services for free till you are sure that you want us to be your counsellors. In terms of counselling, we help counsel you from country selection till you find a job abroad.

Our Counselling Team provides free, unconditional and genuine advice to everyone who is associated with us regarding any service we provide.

The course should be of your interest, your FGCE (Foreign Going Competitive Exams) score should meet its eligibility criterion and your financial capabilities should match with the fee structure.

Once you have selected the right course for yourself, the next important decision is selecting the right country.

Our affiliation with these universities and institutes ensures that our students receive a wide range of courses and options.

Every country has a language criterion when it comes to studying there. Sometimes the criterion is re-defined depending on the university or course.

Your application is the opportunity to make a good first impression on the institute of your choice. This impression will carry a long way in your quest to study abroad.

Foreign education often requires a strong backing in terms of funds, which can be availed through bank loans from various banks, including the nationalised banks.

Getting a visa is a long arduous task. Not only are the applications thoroughly examined but certain types of visas require a personal interview with the country’s representatives at their embassy.

Admission has been secured and visa granted. The process doesn’t just end there. In all the excitement, one tends to forget other necessary details required to study abroad.